How to Give a Meaningful “Thank You” | HBR Ascend


Forget the empty platitudes; your star employee is not a “godsend.” They are a person deserving of your not infrequent acknowledgment and worthy of appreciation and respect. When was the last time you thanked them — really thanked them? In my line of work, I frequently communicate with CEOs and their executive assistants, and nowhere… Continue reading How to Give a Meaningful “Thank You” | HBR Ascend

Scientists agree you should plan your next break right now


Plan your breaks, before you break.  The science is clear: professionals who factor in micro, mini and longer breaks ahead of time not only feel better but also perform and stay at their peak, and are more successful. In Boston Consulting Group’s enviable high-performing culture, HBR 2009 showed the benefits of such planned and predictable breaks… Continue reading Scientists agree you should plan your next break right now

How Top Performers Achieve More and Stay Happy | Greater Good Magazine


At times, being happy and performing well at work can feel like conflicting goals. We want to prepare a good presentation, but we also want to make it home for dinner with our partner. We want to get promoted, but we don’t necessarily want the stress that comes with more responsibility. Where do these two… Continue reading How Top Performers Achieve More and Stay Happy | Greater Good Magazine

What Curiosity Looks Like in the Brain | Greater Good Magazine


Humans are deeply curious beings. Our lives, economy, and society are shaped so strongly by a drive to obtain information that we are sometimes called informavores: creatures that search for and digest information, just like carnivores hunt and eat meat. What is it that drives our hunger for information? From an evolutionary perspective, there is a… Continue reading What Curiosity Looks Like in the Brain | Greater Good Magazine

For Thanksgiving And Beyond…An Attitude of Gratitude | Glaser & Associates


Saying “thank you” is the ultimate win/win. Research shows that expressing gratitude increases feelings of personal well being. As Americans approach our official day of giving thanks, perhaps all of us can take a moment to consider how we might make gratitude an ongoing part of our lives. Masters of relationships have a habit of scanning the… Continue reading For Thanksgiving And Beyond…An Attitude of Gratitude | Glaser & Associates

An open letter to Air New Zealand. Re-think Wi-Fi.


Dear Air New Zealand, I read with horror that you’re rolling out in-flight Wi-Fi. I know peer pressure is a terrible thing, and there’s no doubt some customers have probably complained that you’re behind the times without internet on board. But let’s stop to think this through. You provide one of the last safe havens… Continue reading An open letter to Air New Zealand. Re-think Wi-Fi.