Talent Acquisition and Management

How we can help

Strategic HR are able to help you with the development and implementation of recruitment and selection systems for your general ongoing needs, for bulk recruitment (e.g. graduates, restructuring, or rapid development of your business) or to provide specialist assistance to enable you manage strategically important recruitment processes whilst still being able to access leading edge selection techniques and technology.

Our Focus



We focus on developing and implementing systems to meet your needs and providing training for your managers in the effective use of the technology and processes; including:

  • Attraction strategies to attract high quality candidates using both social media, traditional and targeted techniques to cost effectively attract the right candidates.
  • Design of website and other materials to convert interested people to applications.
  • Design of recruitment processes to rapidly process candidates, retaining the interest of the high quality candidates.
  • Selection of the best candidates through well proven methods to best suit your companies requirements.


We can also enable you to use leading edge technologies and techniques, through supporting and guiding you in your strategically important recruitments of key staff.

Case Studies

Developed and managed a high stakes recruitment process for a company. The training for the occupation cost $100 - 140,000 per year. The objective was to minimise the failure rate which was achieved - to one of the lowest in the industry. We won an HRINZ Merit Award for the process. The process has been productised and sold internationally to Australia, Dubai, Hong Kong, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa - achieving up to $1M per annum in revenues. In developing the process we quickly realised the importance of recruitment - getting the right people to apply and processing them quickly to retain their interest. We used Facebook, Linkedin as well as direct marketing and managed to do so with some of the lowest costs per applicant in NZ.

Developed and implemented graduate recruitment processes for some of NZs largest companies. The processes included development of competencies specific for the companies and graduate occupations, testing and personality assessment in prescreening and assessment centres for the final selection. The approach involved training line managers and human resource professionals in assessing candidates in practical exercises and integrating the results to make the final selection decisions.

Developed factory operator selection processes for an electronics and cable manufacturing companies which lead to lower turnover and higher productivity. The process involved identifying the key competencies for the role, appropriate tests and questionnaires, development of interview guides and manager training in both report interpretation and interviewing. Algorithms were developed to predict success in the role and integrated into a reporting tool.
